Saturday, February 23, 2008

Lawn Care Gone Lazy: Two Simple Steps to Greener Grass in No Time

Spring. Back outside again to tackle the lawn. It seems the grass is always greener right next door, but that doesn’t have to be the case this year.

The real secret to a great looking lawn is the soil. It’s your lawn’s foundation and ultimately determines the health and beauty of your lawn throughout the season. This spring, start from the ground up and you’re sure to see a decided difference in your grass.

To ensure a healthy, lush lawn, improve the soil and you’ll see improvement in your lawn. The three most common tasks to accomplish this are: aeration, dethatching and soil conditioning. We’ve all heard of these three tasks, but very few of us pay any attention to them and most of us don’t implement them at all.

So what do these three processes accomplish?

Aeration: As lawns age or sustain heavy traffic, soil compaction often occurs. Grass roots require oxygen to grow and absorb nutrients and water. Compacted soil reduces your lawn’s ability to grow and breathe, resulting in poor top growth and a deteriorating lawn. Aeration benefits your lawn by increasing water, nutrient and oxygen movement in the soil, improves rooting, prevents run-off and boosts the earthworm population underground… Mother Nature’s own aerator.

Dethatching: Thatch is the layer of dead grass that settles in between the soil surface and the green foliage of the grass. Thatch must be removed to maintain the health of your lawn. Too much thatch interferes with nutrient and water absorption. To gauge its thickness, take a 6-inch-deep plug of sod and soil from the lawn and measure the thickness of the packed thatch. If your thatch layer is more than one-half inch thick, your grass will struggle to grow.

Soil conditioners, also called soil amendments, are added to soil to improve plant growth and overall health. Soil conditioners are not fertilizers, but are very valuable additions in helping make your soil productive for growing your landscape plants. These products improve soil’s drainage and some will also increase the water holding capacity of your soil.

This spring you can accomplish all three of these time consuming tasks with just one simple step and very little effort. LazyMan Liquid Gold is a brand new spray-on all-natural product that aerates, dethatches and conditions the soil. The product covers 100 percent of your lawn, is chemical-free and actually adds nutrients, increases much-needed airflow and boosts the earthworm population underground. This revolutionary product, new to the market this spring, will enhance your soil creating that healthy foundation your grass needs to grow healthy and green.

Once you’ve easily accomplished these three essential tasks in one easy, even lazy, step by spraying on LazyMan Liquid Gold you’re ready to make repairs to your lawn:

Is your lawn riddled with bare patches due to dog spots, heavy traffic or neglect? If so, you will need to add grass seed to your existing lawn to fill in those bare patches. This solution is known as “overseeding.”

Your first step is to select grass that has similar characteristics -- leaf texture, length and color - to your old turf. You don't have to plant the same kind. Keep in mind that most lawn failures are the result of grass that is poorly adapted to a region or location.

There are tons of grass seed varieties to choose from, which can make things complicated. This spring get help from which offers Major League Grass seed, top-rated and well-respected varieties of perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, bermuda grass, centipede grass, buffalo grass, zoysia grass as well as an award-winning line of tall fescues.

Major League offers the best varieties in their blends, and they clean their seed to achieve high purity, high germination and low weed seed.

Remember: if you neglect spring lawn care and preparation you could end up paying for it the rest of the year. The good news? This year, Lawn Care’s gone Lazy. Visit for tips, advice and products for your lawn and garden. Then you’ll finally be able to say the grass is greener right in your own yard!

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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